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High time 怎么说'早该这件事了'?


The Icelandic artist Erro poses next to his work "Van Gogh" (1967/68) at the Kunsthalle Schirn museum in Frankfurt on Wednesday.


短语表达 high time 意思是某事需要尽快办,因为已经迟了,不能再拖下去了。



In the UK, the clocks go one hour forward this weekend, to take account of the longer days of summer. Last year British parliament debated whether to stay on Central European Time – an hour ahead of the UK – throughout the year. However, the move was opposed by the Scottish government who feared problems caused by dark mornings in winter.


I'm already 42. It's high time I sorted my pension out!

The plane's due to leave in 30 minutes. It's high time we were boarding.

It's high time we got our car serviced. It's been making that funny noise for months.


请注意在上面的例句中,语法上 high time 前面不用加冠词,后面跟的句型是一般过去时或过去进行时。


We had a high old time at Martin's party last night. You should have been there.

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