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Black and white 黑与白


Tian Tian the panda takes a rest in her enclosure at Edinburgh Zoo. Photo by Andrew Milligan.


在英语里,如果你认为某件事情或某个形势是 black and white 意思就是你觉得看得很清楚,立场很坚定,但其他人可能会从全局考虑从而会有不同看



Britainbecame home to giant pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang in December 2011. The bears made their home at Edinburgh Zoo, where it is hoped they will breed. There are an estimated 1,500 pandas in the wild, making them one of the world's most endangered species.

II'm telling you the situation is black and white – we've got no money left!

Other people have opinions, too – it's not all black and white, you know.

She had such a black and white view of the project that she wasn't prepared to discuss any other ideas.


短语 grey area 灰色地带' 可以用来形容模糊不清的形势,这与 black and white 黑白分明' 所表达的意思正好相反。

I know a little bit about biology and chemistry, but physics is still a grey area for me.

She’s got a date for the wedding, but the venue and church is a bit of a grey area

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