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Get a kick out of it 因某事感到愉快


Brazilians performing capoeira in Salvador on the first day of the country’s carnival celebrations.


你可以用短语 get a kick out of 来形容因做某事给你带来兴奋或快乐。



Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art form which combines elements of dance, music, acrobatics and fighting. It often forms a part of the Carnival of Brazil, an annual festival held forty six days before Easter. The lively celebrations attract millions of visitors each year.

I'm not frightened of abseiling - I actually get a real kick out of it!

She got such a kick from the dance class that she's thinking of taking it up full time.

He didn't think he would like Barcelona, but he got a real kick out of the place.


如果想戒掉什么坏习惯那么就可以说 to kick a habit.

I'm giving up smoking, it's time to kick the habit.

Biting your fingernails is disgusting! You should really kick the habit!

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