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A flash of inspiration 突然一阵灵感

A flash of lighting is seen in Piraeus, near Athens during a rainstorm. Photo: Elina Liberta/ AP


Lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by a thunderstorm. Lightning kills and injures between 75 and 100 people every year - more than hurricanes or tornadoes. The highest death toll from a lightning strike was in 1971 when a passenger airline flying over the Amazon rainforest was hit by lightning, causing it to crash, killing 91 people on board.



所谓突然一阵灵感 a flash of inspiration 就是说一个人头脑里突然冒出一个创新或革新的想法或闪念。


John's new travel book was a huge success after the flash of inspiration he got while sitting on the bus.

The idea for my song came to me in a flash of inspiration!


另一个短语 a flash in the pan 意思是昙花一现,指短时间的走红或暴热。

Susan had a number one hit with her song, but after that we never heard from her again. People said she was just a flash in the pan.

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