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Nerves of steel 有胆量

Martin Kaymer makes the match-winning putt for Team Europe in the 2012 Ryder Cup in Illinois. Photo: Brendan Smialowski/Getty


The Ryder Cup is a golf competition between teams from Europe and the United States of America, and takes place every two years. The 2012 competition finished in dramatic style, when Europe, who were losing, made a record comeback against the United States to win the competition by 14½ points to 13½.

莱德杯高尔夫球赛是每两年举行一次的高尔夫球比赛,这是欧洲和美国的团队之间的竞争。 2012年的比赛以戏剧性比分结束,欧洲队本来输局已定,后来竟然出乎意料的扳回劣势,最终以14½ 比13½赢了美国队。


如果某人有 nerves of steel, 这就是说他很有胆量,尤其是在面对巨大压力时能沉着果断的作决定。


You need nerves of steel to be a bomb disposal expert.

There's a man on a tightrope walking between those two skyscrapers! He must have nerves of steel!

I will need to have nerves of steel to pass my driving test today – I've only had three lessons.


如果有人 gets on your nerves, 意思就是这个人让你心烦。

I really hope Darren doesn't come to the Christmas party – he really gets on my nerves.

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