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To teach an old dog new tricks 因循守旧者很难接受新事物

  A dog wipes out during the Surf City Surf Dog contest in Huntington Beach. Photo: Lucy Nicholson/Reuters



  The Surf City Surf Dog competition is held annually on Huntingdon Beach, California and attracts many pet owners, who are keen to show off their talented canines. This year's competition included a World Record attempt to get twenty dogs to ride the same wave for at least five seconds. Unfortunately, the dogs were unsuccessful.



  在英语里“you can't teach an old dog new tricks”是个比喻性短语,字面意思是老狗学不会新把戏,用来比喻你很难使因循守旧的人接受新事物。


  I bought my mother a smartphone, but she prefers her other one, which is over ten years old! Oh well, you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

  My friend keeps telling me that I should stop smoking, but there's no chance – you can't teach an old dog new tricks!

  Everyone keeps telling me that I am too stressed and should work less, but I have always been the same. You can't teach an old dog new tricks!


  注意,如果说什么东西has gone to the dogs,那就意味着其质量严重下降。

  Let's avoid that bar, it's really gone to the dogs since the management changed.

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