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Twist your arm 说服某人做某事


The Japanese synchronised swimming team performs a technical routine at the London Aquatics Centre. Photo by Adrian Dennis.


Twist your arm 说服某人做某事



Synchronised swimming is a relatively new discipline that has its origins in water acrobatics. It became an Olympic sport for the first time in 1984 in Los Angeles. It is one of only two Olympic sports to be contested only by women.

花样游泳是一项较新的比赛项目 , 它起源于水上杂技。 1984 年在洛杉矶,它首次被列入正式的奥林匹克运动会参赛项目之一。在奥运会中只有两个比赛项目允许女性参赛,而花样游泳就是其中之一。

如果你扭某人的胳膊 twist someone's arm 就意味着你说服他们做点什么。


I know you said you didn't want to go out tonight, but can I twist your arm? I could really do with a night out.

I shouldn't have one of those cakes as I'm on a diet… But go on then, you've twisted my arm!


To pull somebody's leg 拉某人的腿意思是捉弄某人,开某人的玩笑。

I haven't really won the lottery - I was only pulling your leg.

You want me to run the marathon with you? Are you pulling my leg?

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