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Take the plunge 冒险尝试


Two divers plunge into the water during the Diving World Cup in London. Photo by Clive Rose.


动词 to plunge 是往下跳的意思,比如:When we arrived at the lake, my brother plunged into the cold water.

短语 take the plunge 往往用来形容我们下定决心做某件高难度的事情。



Synchronised diving became an Olympic sport in 2000. The main factors the judges consider when they give a score are the starting position and take-off, the execution of the dive and the entry into the water. If there are two divers it’s important their movements are synchronised.

双人跳水在 2000 年正式成为奥运会参赛项目。评委评分时主要考虑给分的几点是起点位置,起跳,空中动作及入水。在双人跳水比赛时,两位选手的同步动作非常重要。

I'm going to take the plunge and move to France. I've been dreaming of it for years and I'm finally going to do it!

My brother is going to take the plunge and quit his job. He's been meaning to leave for months.

Let's take the plunge and buy a house!


另一个从跳水运动演变而来的表达是 to dive/jump in with both feet, 两只脚一起跳下水。这个表达的意思是很快全身心地投入某件事情。

Rachel jumped in with both feet when she started her new job. She learnt everything very quickly.

When I started English lessons I dived in with both feet: I practised every day and rapidly improved.

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