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Going round in circles 原地兜圈子


A woman checks a piece of artwork at the 2012 Armory Exhibition in New York. Photo by Timothy A.Clary


Going round in circles 这个短语的意思是没有进展总在原地兜圈子



The work of art shown in the photo is displayed at the 2012 Armory show in New York. It displays influential contemporary artwork from around the world. The art show's name comes from the city's 69th Regiment Armory building where the first exhibition was held in 1913.

We've been talking about this for hours but we keep going round in circles.

I've been driving around for ages trying to find the station but I seem to keep going round in circles.

We've got to make a decision otherwise we'll be going round in circles all day


To go full circle 意思是转了360 度,转了整整一圈儿,回到原地。

She's back working in the same office where she first started so her career has gone full circle.

My cake-making skills have gone full circle; I'm back to making the sort of cakes I first used to make.

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