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Shrinking fish 水温高鱼变小

Will the sizes of these catch be much smaller in the future?


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根据一项新的科研报告,世界各地的鱼类的体重和体积预计将缩小达 24%。研究人员说,不断上升的水温会减少海水的氧气含量,这将导致鱼类体重的显著减少。请听BBC科学记者 Matt McGrath 发回的报道:

Although projections of global temperature rises show relatively small changes at the bottom of the oceans, the resulting impacts on fish body size are "unexpectedly large", according to this research. As ocean temperatures increase, so do the body temperatures and metabolic rates of the fish. This means they use more oxygen to stay alive and, according to the researchers, they have less available for growth.

They've calculated that up to 2050, fish will shrink in size by between 14 and 24 percent, with the Indian and Atlantic Oceans worst affected. The warming waters are also likely to drive fish more towards the poles, leading to smaller species living in areas like the North Sea.

According to the scientists, their models may underestimate the potential impacts. When they looked at case studies involving North Atlantic cod and haddock, they found that recorded data on these fish showed greater decreases in actual body size than the models predicted.

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