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Ship-shape 井井有条的


The Cutty Sark, the world's last surviving tea clipper, has been extensively restored following a fire and will soon be reopened to the public. Photo: Andrew Winning.


形容某事做的很有顺序,井井有条的,我们可以说 ship-shape.



The Cutty Sark left London on its maiden voyage on 16 February 1870, sailing around the Cape of Good Hope to Shanghai in three-and-a-half months. It made eight journeys to China as part of the tea trade until steam ships replaced sail on the high seas. It will be reopened to the public in Greenwich, London, nearly five years after it was gutted by a fire.

“卡蒂萨克”号1870年2月16日离开伦敦开始了它的处女航。 它绕过南非的好望角,历时三个半月后抵达中国上海。“卡蒂萨克”号先后往返中国八次,为中西方茶叶贸易做出了巨大的贡献。不过,最终它还是被蒸汽轮船所取代。

Everything had to be ship-shape before we could sell the house.

Following that storm it will take ages to get the garden ship-shape again.


形容一个公司的运作很有条理,非常规范,我们可以说 to run a tight ship 一艘模范舰船。

Our new boss runs a tight ship, there's no chance of slacking!

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