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In the same boat 同舟共济


It's 100 years since the Titanic set sail on her ill-fated maiden voyage.


In the same boat 同舟共济



Boats and ships are often referred to as 'she' and 'her' rather than 'it' and 'its'. Sometimes people do the same thing with cars, but it's less usual.

在英语里,船舶常被称为女性的 她的 ”, 而不是 它的 。有时人们也会称汽车为“她”。

当大家都坐在同一条船上的时候 in the same boat, 这就意味着所有人都处于同样的不乐观的境况。


Youth unemployment is so high in Europe at the moment but everyone's in the same boat – no-one can find a job.

The whole class came down with chicken pox on a school trip. It completely ruined the holiday but at least all the children were in the same boat.

There were hundreds of us waiting to get a visa from the embassy. Knowing everyone was in the same boat was made the long wait easier.


另一个短语to miss the boat 有着不同的含义,它的意思是坐失良机,机会已经失去了。

I wanted tickets to see Adele but by the time I went online they were already sold out. I missed the boat.

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