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Let off steam 释放


Coloured lights illuminate steam rising at the Roman Baths in the city of Bath, England. Photo by Matt Cardy.


英语段语 let off steam 意思是释放情感,特别表示把心里的话都一股脑地说出来。



The English city of Bath was founded by the Romans, who were attracted to the hot mineral springs in the area. The Great Bath in this photo used to be inside a hall that was 40 metres high. For visitors at that time, this was probably the largest building they had ever entered.


I shouldn’t shout at my husband but sometimes I need to let off steam.

Ruth spent the whole afternoon complaining about her boss. She needed to let off some steam.

We often go jogging after work to let off steam.


另一个短语 run out of steam 意思是对某事失去了兴趣:

My mum can talk for hours before she runs out of steam.

The beginning of his speech was fantastic but after a while he started to run out of steam.

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