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后街经典:只要你爱我(3)  2004-11-16 11:19

教育学会会长吁停评三好 北京市教委称不会取消
团结 友谊 和平 让奥运精神在少年儿童心中延续
2008年国家公务员考试热门职位一览表 迈过小三这道坎


  Backstreet boys are recognised as the biggest pop group in the world of music today having dominated the charts throughout the world since 1996. In just four years Backstreet Boys , Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell, A.J. McLean and Kevin Richardson, have accomplished this global domination by achieving Gold and Platinum awards in 45 countries, including 11-times platinum in the USA for their debut album "Backstreet's Back" and have sold over 51 million albums world-wide. The group have recently been hailed as one of the fastest selling acts in South East Asia where the album "Millennium" sold in excess of three million copies.

  Backstreet Boys have been honoured with numerous awards and these have included four Billboard Music Awards, five Grammy nominations, three World Music Awards, an MTV Europe Award as well as two American MTV Award nominations. So how did five boys from America rise to the top so fast?

  Backstreet Boys' story began in Orlando, Florida. It was there that high school students A.J. McLean, Howie Dorough and junior high student Nick Carter began to run into each other at local acting auditions. The three became friends and formed a singing group. The trio then decided to expand. Kevin Richardson was the next to join the group, and soon Brian completed the fivesome. They quickly became one of Florida's hottest live acts and were signed immediately.

  "Millennium" was released in May 1999 and included the hit single "I Want It That Way". This album confirmed the group's status as one of the world's biggest pop acts ever. Backstreet Boys' success is set to continue with the release of their fourth album "Black & Blue" in November, 2000. The group members have taken a lead role in the writing and producing of the 14-track album which covers a broad spectrum of musical styles.



  他们的首支单曲“We've Got It Goin' On”展现了男孩们活力四射的青春气息,在欧洲取得不俗成绩,在奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、法国等均有打入十名内的嘉绩。接下来的“I'll Never Break Your Heart”是首抒情曲,成功地为他们打开了欧洲的知名度。


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